Letters Come Alive!

Letters Come Alive!

In this whimsical and acrobatic dance theatre performance, the letters of the alphabet take on different shapes and sounds to inspire silliness that kids and grown-ups will enjoy. The performers begin the show with the beloved and familiar alphabet song, before animating the letters and well, things get a little topsy-turvy from there. 

Are children expected to know the alphabet to enjoy the show? Not at all. In fact, Letters Come Alive! was inspired by Rolypoly Family’s early dance classes for families that relied not on the knowledge of the alphabet, but on the shapes, sounds and words associated with the different letters to inspire dance and play. 

Do children need to learn all the letters by the end of the show? That’s not our goal! Our goal is to show the creative possibilities of the alphabet and encourage more curiosity and joy around learning the alphabet.  

Will the children spend the rest of the week making shapes and sounds with their bodies and spotting letters everywhere? They just might!

Letters Come Alive! was independently produced and created by Rolypoly Family. We developed the show at The Artground and Dance Nucleus, and have performed it since 2019. This show was then picked up for the 2019 edition of Octoburst!, Esplanade’s festival for children. Letters Come Alive! has been a National Arts Council’s Arts Education Programme (NAC-AEP) from 2019 – selected preschools under the 5 “anchor operators” can receive funding to book the show.

Click here to find out more about Letters Come Alive! for NAC-AEP.

Click here for performance dates at The Artground.


Media Mentions:

Little Day Out

Sassy Mama 


Want to experience Letters Come Alive! at home? We have two spin-off projects that children and families can enjoy virtually. These were made possible with the support of National Arts Council’s Digital Presentation Grant, a covid-responsive grant:


Letters Play At Home! Video Playlist

Letters From 26 Dancers Video Playlist

Letters Come Alive! is a great interactive programme where children are able to learn the letters in a fun way. We love programming Letters Come Alive! here at The Artground as it creates a special bond between parent and child. The body movements and silly words associated with the letters are creative and fun for kids to remember for a long time!


– The Artground


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